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September Astrology/New Moon in Virgo- Overcoming Fear

September Astrology Update: New Moon in Virgo 🌟🪐

Get ready for a cosmic shake-up with the New Moon in Virgo on September 2, 2024. This New Moon, occurring at 11°04′ Virgo, is setting the stage for a period of transformation and existential shifts.

The Virgo New Moon and Its Influence

The Virgo New Moon at 11°04′ aligns closely with themes of daily routines, organization, cleanliness, purification, and detoxing. It’s a prime time for personal reflection and decluttering, both physically and spiritually. Virgo Season’s Dark Moon invites us to release what no longer serves us and prepare for the new energies on the horizon.


It’s forming an opposition with Saturn, bringing themes of restrictions and hardships. Though this influence is mild due to the wide orb of 5°20′, it does intensify issues related to fear, worry, feelings of loss, low self-esteem, or lack of faith. This along with Mars square Neptune, which has the potential to lead to confusion, fear, self-deception, and guilt. Together, these aspects amplify a sense of immorality, melancholy and potentially false friendships. Even though these transits can foster a time of emotional heaviness, there is a tremendous opportunity for introspection and spiritual insight. The recent visit of the Tibetan Monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery helped us immeasurably with clearing these dark moon energies.


Uranus and Pluto's Role in the Transformation

As Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus at 15° 27’, it ushers in a period of unexpected events and revelations. This energy can manifest in disruptions—like internet outages or planetary shifts—and even awakenings, such as the rise of Kundalini energy. Those with planets near these degrees may feel an intense urge to break free from restrictions, while others might experience sudden, unexpected changes. This mirrors the disruptive energy reminiscent of the post-Pearl Harbor era, highlighting a time of significant upheaval and transformation.


On September 2nd, Pluto returns to Capricorn at the anorectic (or Christ) degree of 29°, signaling profound and irreversible changes. This shift symbolizes a power struggle between the forces of collective empowerment (Aquarius) and top down institutional authority (Capricorn). With Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Pluto all positioned at the critical last degrees of their signs, the concentration of energy is particularly potent, amplifying these themes of transformation and change.


Too much exposure to negativity or bad news that is constantly projected at us could lead to a temporary loss of hope or a sense of pessimism about the our world and the future. However, it's essential to recognize that these feelings are part of a larger, transformative process. The spiritual meaning of this New Moon is about overcoming these fears and worries, reminding us that while the present may seem challenging, the potential for renewal and growth is immense.



The Kuiper Belt Objects Salacia and Quaoar add more significance to this new moon. Salacia’s conjunction with the North Node in Aries introduces water and light codes, while Quaoar promotes a lightness of being and the joy of community. Engaging in activities like meditation, chanting, singing, and dancing can help raise our frequency, paving the way for a new age of enlightenment. Our Sunday Sessions at 9:30 am provide an opportunity to engage in these transformative practices, aligning with the New Moon's call for renewal and reorganization. Click here to make a reservation


Embracing Change and Looking Forward

The days leading up to the New Moon may bring powerful realizations and breakthroughs, particularly around aspects of life or identity that belong to an era now ending. While the energies may feel heavy or discouraging, they also provide an opportunity for new growth and renewal. Remember, while the short-term outlook might seem bleak with negative headlines and global tensions, there is reason for optimism.


The Fall Equinox on September 22 will bring us the opportunity for some balance as the leylines are activated and staying open for longer periods of time.  And the Sept 17 partial lunar eclipse and October 2 solar eclipse will bring even more ascension activating energies. We will have a few offerings to share for these events- See further down in the newsletter. But the biggest positive astrological shift is The upcoming Magic Triangle of Neptune, Pluto and  from 2025 to 2028 signals a period of hope and brighter possibilities.

According to the “This Magic Triangle is the most positive, significant and consequential planetary alignment in our lifetimes and this century. The first decan of Aries, Gemini and Aquarius are most affected. However, this amazing period of discovery and revelation can benefit everyone. 

  • Uranus – 2° to 8° Gemini.

  • Neptune – 2° to 8° Aries.

  • Pluto – 2° to 8° Aquarius.”



Ascension and Raising Your Frequency

As we navigate this transformative period of the new moon, the upcoming Equinox and eclipse, it's important to focus on the spiritual journey of ascension. Ascension is achieved by raising your frequency and embodying more light, which ultimately activates the Crystal Light Body. The more you raise your vibration, the higher you ascend on the stairway to heaven that is your 12-tree grid, unlocking keys and ascension codes to your multidimensional awareness. This process involves clearing negative karmic overlays, integrating polarity, and cultivating higher emotions of love, unity, and oneness. Hitting that 5D consciousness is the key to the upper gateways. Since the "ascension window" opened in 2012, we have been receiving ultra-high frequencies of light and sound that accelerate our evolution. Many are now accessing higher frequencies (5D and beyond) through higher 4D heart activation and soul matrix embodiment (D4,D5 and D6). Remember, we cannot reach these higher waves of light by living in fear or remaining entangled in the 3D world, which holds a lower vibration. To ascend, focus on raising your frequency through love and spiritual growth, clearing karmic burdens, and moving beyond fear-based thinking.

Raising  the frequency of your consciousness allows you to transcend the limitations of the current reality. This process isn't about quick fixes; it requires dedication, practice, clearing karmic layers, and an unwavering commitment to spiritual growth. As you embody more light and love, you'll be ready to receive the new energies now available to us. Embrace these changes with joy, open hearts, and a readiness for the ascension journey ahead. ✨🌿💫


Upcoming Events


New Moon Sound Healing

Sept. 7th with Sound Waves for the Soul

Movement, Mantra and Gong Journey

Sunday Sept. 7, 4:30 to 6 pm

$44 exchange Venmo @rileyrich20




Sunday Session 9:30 am Sept. 22, with Tina, Ardas Taran. An equinox occurs when the Earth's axis is tilted in such a way that it is neither leaning towards nor away from the Sun. At this moment, the center of the Sun aligns with the Earth's equatorial plane, placing the Sun at one of two opposite points on the celestial sphere. The term "equinox" comes from Latin, meaning

"equal night," because during an equinox, both day and night are of nearly equal duration.

The Fall Equinox happens when the Sun reaches its opposite balancing point in the tropical zodiac. During this period, the leylines of the planet are activated as the planetary and collective energy seeks balance This event is associated with the zodiac sign Libra and is traditionally linked to the "harvest," symbolizing the time to reap the rewards of our efforts. Simultaneously, it prompts us to acknowledge that nights will soon grow longer, reminding us to find balance, conserve our energy and resources. The most important days to practice for spiritual growth are Full Moons, New Moons, Equinoxes and Solstices. Join us for Astrology, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing. This session is included for memberships. Otherwise save your spot here.


Native American Flute Workshop

Join Lindsay for this two hour event on Sept.15, 10am-12pm. Learn how to play the Native American flute. There are options to purchase your own instrument or bring your own instrument to the workshop. Basics of toning, breath finger patterns as well as diaphragm techniques will be taught. Flutes are handmade in Guatemala and must be ordered now. Each custom-made Native American flute features a unique gemstone inlay, one-of-a-kind engraving, and energetic attunement.

• CUSTOM GEMSTONE INLAY: Each flute is a work of art, crafted to include a

gemstone inlay that adds both aesthetic beauty and energetic harmony.

  • ENGRAVING: The custom engraving allows you to connect with a sacred symbol or

imprint your own onto the flute, making it truly one-of-a-kind.

• ATTUNEMENT: Cura Sound will energetic attune the flute to resonate with your

personal energy, enhancing your musical expression and spiritual connection.

This instrument is not just a flute; it's a soulful extension of your creativity and spirit!

Cura Sound specializes in magical, handcrafted, wooden Native American flutes.

Founded by Max Dessureault, a visionary instrument maker and sound healer, Cura

Sound has dedicated heart and soul to the study of vibrations. Located in beautiful

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, we are so excited to bring Cura Sound creations to the US!

Meet Dr. Lindsay Williamson- Lindsay is a life-force energy channel and radiant guide

in the realm of holistic wellness and transformation. With a doctorate in Chinese medicine and more than a decade of experience in holistic health, she brings a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights to her practice. She found the Native American flute while traveling in Guatemala and immediately fell in love with the quality and frequency of these special soul instruments.

RSVP- Lindsay by calling or texting (703) 268-9558


We start with Sound Healing Training, Water and Light Code activations. Click through the gallery below to find out more or go here for more info


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