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Ophiuchus Season- Lucky 13

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Ophiuchus: The Serpent Holder and Gateway to Transformation

Welcome to Ophiuchus Season, known as the13-sign in astrology. Wait, what? That is correct, because traditional astrology divides the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, each corresponding to a zodiac sign. However, the Sun's path actually crosses 13 constellations, including Ophiuchus. Incorporating Ophiuchus results in the following date adjustments to your sign:

  • Aries: April 19 – May 13

  • Taurus: May 14 – June 19

  • Gemini: June 20 – July 20

  • Cancer: July 21 – August 9

  • Leo: August 10 – September 15

  • Virgo: September 16 – October 30

  • Libra: October 31 – November 22

  • Scorpio: November 23 – November 28

  • Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17

  • Sagittarius: December 18 – January 18

  • Capricorn: January 19 – February 15

  • Aquarius: February 16 – March 11

  • Pisces: March 12 – April 18

The Key Characteristics of Ophiuchus include:

  • Dates: November 29th to December 17th in Sidereal astrology

  • Symbol: The Serpent Bearer or Serpent Holder.

  • Element: Fire-Water,

  • Ruling Planet: Chiron

  • Body Parts: fetal cells, tailbone, cranial-sacral, solar sacrum, kundalini, amrita, base of brain

Ophiuchus represents healing, transformation, and unification. Ophiuchus bridges the realms of physical and spiritual, embodying the journey of ascension and the integration of dualities. Positioned at the Galactic Center between Scoprio and Saggittarius,is the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. This is where Ophiuchus sits serving as a portal for wound healing and spiritual evolution, helping us actualize our 9th Chakra known as The Mouth of God located at the medulla oblangata, back base of the skull.

The constellation is tied to the Greek mythology of Asclepius, the healer, who learned the secrets of life and death, Like Sagittarius, Ophiuchus seeks knowledge but focuses more on esoteric wisdom and ancient truths. Like Scorpio, Ophiuchus is associated with shedding old skins, a serpent, and symbolizes transformation and rebirth similiar to Pluto, Scorpio's ruling planet. Also Like Scorpio, Ophiuchus can be intense, passionate, and curious about the mysteries of life. Often depicted as magnetic and influential, with a natural ability to guide others through change.

Ophiuchus stands opposite Orion, symbolizing the interplay of opposing polarities. Together, they represent humanity’s journey from the Gate of Man (The Silver Gate-9th Chakra), located between Taurus and Gemini, to the Gate of the Gods (The Golden Gate 8th Chakra), positioned between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The Silver Gate signifies polarity integration, while the Golden Gate offers access to eternal life and divine union.

According to Lisa Rene, "During Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, this phase is the solar alignment with the Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, and represents the pouring of the magical healing spiritual waters into the Earth and humanity, the gift from Cosmic Mother. Previously, these spiritual living waters were corrupted by entrapping the Holy Mother principle and inverting her offspring, the Gold Ray Seraphim through the knowledge stolen by the coveting Serpent. Hence, Ophiuchus is also the symbol for the Fallen Angel seeking redemption. This is why this constellation is both ruled by the Golden Eagle spirit and the Snake as the traitorous serpent that led to the Fall."

Through this seasonal alignment, and especially at the 12-12 portal (See Below), we can dissolve karmic burdens, integrate masculine and feminine energies, and access the living waters of the Cosmic Mother, which flow through the Golden Gate to catalyze healing and spiritual restoration. This time invites self-reflection (especially as Mars goes retrograde on December 6th) meditation, and healing. By attuning to Ophiuchus’ transformative energy, we activate the potential for unity, dissolve past wounds, and rediscover our original divine blueprint. This is a time to embrace the cosmic elixirs (amrita) of the Golden Gate and step into higher frequency realms of spiritual evolution. As we align and integrate with Ophiuchus, we are reminded of our capacity to transform and ascend beyond duality into divine unity.

Mars Retrograde 2024: A Time of Challenges and Transformation

From December 6, 2024, to February 23, 2025, Mars retrograde will bring its signature disruptive energy, beginning at 06° Leo and ending at 17° Cancer. Known as one of the most challenging planetary retrogrades, Mars retrograde in Leo is the creative self expresssion of our personality. This can be very dramatic. These retrogrades are often drains energy, complicates progress, and amplifies frustrations. This period is particularly intense as it coincides with Jupiter square Saturn, one of the most significant and difficult alignments of 2024-2025. Together, these forces may spark feelings of repression, hardship, and uncertainty, with tensions potentially boiling over in personal relationships and the collective. This Mars retrograde is the higher octave of what you went through in Dec 2009 to March 2010.

Mars retrograde occurs approximately every two years and lasts for about 80 days. During this time, Mars’ usual forward momentum is reversed, creating delays, setbacks, and a need for reflection. Mars governs ambition, self-assertion, conflict, and passion, but its retrograde phase redirects these energies inward, often revealing unresolved issues, suppressed emotions, and old wounds. The halfway point of this cycle, when the Sun opposes Mars, will serve as a moment of heightened awareness and clarity, offering an opportunity for reflection and redirection.

Several important alignments during this Mars retrograde period will add to its intensity. Venus opposes Mars on December 12, increasing sensitivity and physical desires. This may bring tension in relationships, but constructive outlets such as creative work or physical exercise can help channel this energy positively. Jupiter squares Saturn on December 14, highlighting spiritual crises, instability, and challenges in long-standing structures. This aspect may test your resolve but also offers an opportunity for growth and long-term positive change. Lastly, Mars opposes Pluto on January 3, fueling ambition and power struggles. While this can lead to significant achievements if handled constructively, it also carries the risk of manipulation or conflict. Taking the attention away from the chaos and choosing to focus on love, intentional living and our awakening, will help us bring creative solutions, balance and beauty to our lives.

Navigating Mars retrograde requires patience and introspection. Instead of pushing forward, this is a time to slow down, reassess your goals, and confront unresolved issues. It’s a powerful moment to reconsider what drives your actions and passions. Focus on channeling frustration into productive and creative endeavors while avoiding impulsive reactions. Though challenging, Mars retrograde ultimately provides an opportunity for transformation, healing, and growth, paving the way for a clearer and more balanced path forward.


Join us for these opportunities for transformation and balance;

12-12-24 Astrology,Sound and Reiki Healing the Willing Hearts

Numerology, Astrology, and regenerative sound. If you are ready for some deep rest and true regenerative healing please join us Thursday 12-12 at 6:30 pm for the journey. Get cozy on our enclosed heated deck and venmo @thewillinghearts or purchase here to save your spot. See below for details.


12-14-24 Sound Healing with Sound Waves for the Soul

Join us Saturday evening from 6 -7:30 pm for a Full Moon Sound Joruney. Venmo $44 to @rileyrich20 or purchase here. Included in membership.


12-15-24 Full Moon in Gemini Kundalini Class

The Gemini Full Moon invites us to reflect on our learnings, share insights, and separate the wheat from the chaff. This is a time to reconnect with yourself, release insecurities, and embrace imperfection. Symbolized by the twins and the higher octave of Masculine and Feminine union, Gemini encourages balance between social connection and alone time, between curiosity and open-mindedness. Let’s use this moment to refine our inner and outer worlds as we prepare for the year ahead. Sunday at 9:30-11 am. Astrology, Kundalini and Sound Healing. $33 per person. included in Membership or purchase here for in person or online.


As always we hold regular yoga, meditation and sound sessions Wednesday and Sunday at 9:30am. These classes are $28 for Venmo or $25 Zelle. Private sessions are available with Tina, Ardas Taran, for healing, astrology, activations, spiritual journeys and more. See here for more information.

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