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tina fitzgerald

New Year, New Moon, New You

As we prepare for the transformative shifts ahead, we want to take a moment to share our heartfelt gratitude for our incredible members and clients. CommuniTea is more than just a community—it’s a sanctuary for healing, growth, and connection. Many of you have expressed deep appreciation for the nourishment and transformation you’ve experienced through our offerings here on the yoga farm. Please know that Tony and I feel equally blessed and uplifted by each of you. The love, high vibrations, and meaningful connections cultivated within this space ripple far beyond its boundaries, sending warmth and healing frequencies out into the world. Together, through shared practice and a unified vision for a peaceful and harmonious New Earth, you are helping to create lasting change—one breath, one prayer, and one moment of mindfulness at a time.

There we so many memorable events this past year. Some of the biggest highlights were the April 8 Eclipse where we connected with people all over the world practicing the Universal Hum; The Lions Gate activation followed by the Gaden Shartse Tibetan Monks Visit in August; the addition of 3 new high vibration Gongs in September and the launch of our ECKASHA Mystery School in October with Sound Healing in the pool.

2025 looks to be as highly eventful as 2024 with new offerings and slight modifications to current offerings. Yogis can look forward to 2025 personal Tantric numerology for the New 9 Year, see below as well as updated courses including more Lightbody Mystery School offerings, Sound Healing Trainings, Mastermind Goals setting training and more. As always we are happy to have Yogis, who resonate with us, rent our yoga deck for their offerings and we look forward to welcoming new visitors with new retreat and event offerings.


Welcoming 2025 a 9 Year in Tantric Numerology

Tantric Numerology for 2025

The 9 Cycle (Calendar Year 2025), also known as the Cycle of Completion and Mastery, represents endings, reflections, and the release of the old to make way for new beginnings in the 10 Cycle of 2026. It is a time for letting go, integrating wisdom gained from past cycles, and stepping into higher awareness. This year challenges us to master our lives and resist the urge to abandon responsibilities or start something new. Instead, we are called to focus on completing unfinished work, strengthening spiritual practices, and refining what we have already built. Patience, gratitude, and self-mastery are the keys to navigating this cycle successfully.

In Tantric Numerology, 9 represents the Subtle Body, enabling us to tune into hidden truths and underlying patterns. This energy provides insight and clarity into life’s deeper meanings and relationships. In esoteric traditions, 9 is a number of ascension and enlightenment, marking the completion of karmic cycles and the preparation for higher consciousness. It resonates with universal spiritual laws, divine wisdom, and mysticism, serving as a bridge to higher dimensions. In our Mystery School teachings we study the Base-12 Tree of Life (Kathara Grid), where Stargate 9 is associated Andromeda, Neptune and our personal chakra 9 located at the back of the neck where it meets the bottom of the skull. This is the area of the Monad and the Rainbow Bridge (Antahkarana)—the pathway to dimensions 10–12. The 9th chakra is also called the Mouth of God. Kundalini energy can rise only to the 9th dimension, forming the bridge to Divine consciousness. Beyond this, deeper ascension work is required to access higher dimensions (up to 15 in our time matrix).

The mantras for 2025 are: “Let go and let God”, reminding us to surrender control and trust Divine timing, and “I know the unknown is known to me”, affirming alignment with universal wisdom and insight. The theme of the 9 Cycle is Mastery Over Mystery, testing whether we will step into mastery or yield to mystery. The 9 represents the Old Master or the Triple 3 bringing in the aspects of the Trinity. Success in this cycle depends on mastery, faith, acceptance, and releasing attachments. This is not a time to start new ventures but rather to complete unfinished projects and reflect deeply. Much like winter, when plants draw energy into their roots for renewal in spring, this year calls for rest, reflection, and preparation for the renewal of the 10 Cycle in 2026.

The 9 Cycle emphasizes karmic closure and spiritual evolution, symbolizing transformation, rebirth, and endings as well as compassion, universal love, and service to humanity. After physical death, only the Soul Body (1) and the Subtle Body (9) remain, carrying the soul to its next dimension or cycle of evolution. Consistent meditation and inner stillness strengthen the 9 Subtle Body, preparing us for the 10 Cycle—a year symbolic of rebirth and divine leadership.

Gratitude, even in difficult moments, shapes us into wiser, more grounded individuals and allows us to gracefully let go of what no longer serves us. The Gift Number 7 for this year, representing the Aura, provides grace, gratitude, and protection during this time. It encourages rest and rejuvenation, mindfulness practices, and building resilience and spiritual strength. The 9 Cycle teaches us to embrace gratitude and mastery by learning when to hold on, when to let go, and how to complete life’s chapters with patience and integrity.

Looking ahead, the 10 Cycle (Calendar Year 2026) offers a sense of relief and stability as we begin rebuilding confidence and moving forward with clarity. Throughout the year, we may oscillate between feeling small and unsure, like the 1 Soul Body, and expansive and empowered, like a true10 Radiant Body. Patience is essential, especially in the Spring. Avoid rushing decisions early in the year—allow time to regain balance before embracing new opportunities. The 11 Cycle (Calendar Year 2027) shifts focus to partnerships—both Divine and earthly—and is a highly charged year for marriage, divorce, and redefining relationships. Influenced by the 2 Negative Mind Body, it emphasizes discernment, balance, harmony, and connection, while the 9 Gift reminds us to let go and trust divine timing. This cycle encourages emotional growth and alignment with higher purpose, allowing us to deepen our understanding of partnership and balance.

Together, the 9, 10, and 11 Cycles create a journey of completion, renewal, and connection. While 2025 challenges us to master endings, 2026 offers a fresh start, and 2027 emphasizes partnerships and alignment with higher purpose. By surrendering to divine timing, practicing gratitude, and maintaining patience, we prepare not only for personal transformation but also for ascension to higher consciousness.

The most important numbers for you persoanlly will be the Planetary Year number of 9 with the Gift of 7 and your Personal Annual Cycle with it's gift based on your birth date. If you would like to go deeper into your personal Tantric numerology with suggested kriyas and meditation practices you can book a private reading here.


New Moon in Capricorn

The New moon in Capricorn happens Monday and we are gathering on Sunday Morning during the balsamic phase to clear out the old so we can bring in the new. New Year, New Moon, New You! As Chiron stations direct in Aries on Sunday December 29th we are moving forward on our healing journey. The holidays can bring up happy, as well as painful memories. Capricorn rules the skin, hair, knees, joints and skeletal system. The Kriya for this session will consist of a rebirthing process that ajdusts the skeletal system and unloads the pain of perpetual memories that keep us stuck. Sound healing is a critical componenet of this rebirthing Kriya. Join us Sunday at 9:30am to utilize the energy of the new season and get focused on your dharma path for 2025. $30 per person, (included in membership). Payment options are Zelle (use info@communiteayoga) Venmo @communiteayoga or click the link here.


Special Offerings from Zie

New Years Reset- Tibetan Yoga, Massage and Sound healing with crystal bowls and various sound healing instruments instruments. Join us Friday January 3 from 10:30am -12 pm. Reservations required. Payment Venmo $55 to @Elizabeth-Morris-48 or Paypal to


Save the Dates

January 12 - Full Moon in Cancer 9:30am with Tina, Ardas Taran, Straight up Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing $38 Venmo @communiteayoga; Zelle

January 18- Soundwaves for the Soul- Kundalini Meditation and Sound with Olivia and Riley $44 Venmo @rileyrich20

January 29 Lunar New Year Lightbody Yoga and Sound- Chinese New Year Astrology, Kundalini Kriya, Meditation and Soundbath. 9:30am $33 Venmo @communiteayoga; Zelle

February 1- Lunar New Year MasterMind Training- Order your Mastermind Journals here and gather with like minded individuals to help support you in your goals for the New Year. Tina, Ardas Taran will guide you in your first MasterMind meeting and help you form your teams for the future meetings.

Time 2pm-4pm $45 per person Venmo @communiteayoga; Zelle

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